Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Epic Quest

So these braided scarves I've been "hooked" on are great for stash busting. Well, until you run out of the color you are using half a row from the end. 

I thought it would be no big deal. Berry tones are in again this fall, so the mulberry shade I needed should have been a simple find. Ha!

Store 1: I went to Hobby Lobby. Nothing came close to the required color. I had a coupon, so I bought the best option (it was pretty!) and tried the next place.

Store 2: I thought I'd found it at Joanns. The lighting in the store showed the colors as the same hue. I happily bought the yarn and headed home.

 I showed M my purchases and the yarn I was trying to match. In the lower light of our living room, I realized my yarn was most definitely a different shade than what I had purchased, so the next day it was back to the craft stores. 

Store 3: Michaels didn't have anything close to what I needed, but it did have a large clearance section, including $0.99 hippo color yarn. I'd still call that a win.

Store 4: My last try was Walmart. This is what I found there:

I figured that the Joann's yarn would be my best option, since I had originally thought they were the same. While trying to take a picture of the two yarns, I couldn't find a way to show there difference. I took that as a good sign. 

At any rate, the scarf is finished and I can't tell where the yarns switched colors. Crisis averted!

Stay Crafty!


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