Thursday, August 22, 2013

Top Five Yarns

So I got to thinking last night about yarn (no surprise) and about how there are some materials that are just a pleasure to work with. This was furthered today when I made a trip to Hobby Lobby to pick up a few necessities. I always get distracted in yarn aisles, especially at Hobby Lobby. Probably because they sell several of my favorite yarns.While there are some mainstays I go back to over and over again, when I get the chance to pick anything to work with, there are a few specific yarns that come to mind.

1. Yarn Bee: Soft Illusion


This stuff is amazing. Like working with a cloud. Perfect for blankets and scarfs and anything else you can snuggle with. But be careful: The "fluff" that makes it so fantastic can get tangles up with itself, so you want to limit the tearing out and starting again as much as possible (although, isn't that always true?) All the yarns are variegated, so make sure you're using it for something that can be stripy!

2. Yarn Bee: Enchantress


I'm a sucker for all things sparkly. And this has sequins in it. Brilliant! (Groan...that was unintentional, I promise.) Beware: the sequins can grab on to yarn around them, and it does make the yarn itself difficult to use in delicate projects. I like it best for purses and hair bows.

3. Red Heart: Oatmeal (?) I can't find the actual name for this, but the Vanna's choice version it called Oatmeal. This kind is less expensive and the yarn itself has about the same feel.


At my house, this is called boot cuff color. Lots and lots of boot cuffs. Easy to care for, cheap to buy, and not really any hassle to use. And the color is a great neutral.

4. I Love This Yarn!: Metallic


It sparkles. (Like I said, I'm a sucker for the sparkle.) And it comes in a bajillion colors (Well, more like a dozen, but that's still a lot). My only complaint it that I couldn't find it in brown. Brown Metallic may be out there somewhere, but I have yet to spot it. Great yarn, great price, and easy to use.

5. Premier Yarns: City Life


One of the saddest things about the ruffle scarf craze is that more craft stores have replaced their lattice yarn with ruffle yarn. But I did run across these lovelies while visiting my folks. They shine, they are a bit stretchy, and the are extremely workable. My only regret is that I only bought these three.

Stay tuned: Coming up tomorrow the 5 yarns I'm dying to try

Stay crafty!


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