Friday, August 23, 2013

The 10th Commandment

When I was little, I remember being worried that I would break that 10 commandment accidently. I figured, at the age of four, that most of the other commandments sounded pretty simple. Well, maybe not the "Honor your father and your mother," but the rest weren't too hard. I wasn't planning on killing anyone, and I knew I wouldn't have to worry about "Adultery" until, well, I was an adult. (No one had explained what it meant, so I figured it had something to do with being a grown up and since I was a kid...) But coveting, that's a different story.

I remember having a conversation with my mother about what the word meant, and from then on I was terrified to say I wanted anything, in case I sinned. It didn't take me too much longer to further examine this commandment, and after another chat with my mom, I learned the difference between wanting to have something and thinking you would just die without it and only thinking of that thing. While I'm not sure exactly how old I was when all of this took place, I couldn't have been much older than four, since we were still in the apartment in Maryland. 

At any rate, all this is just a preface to today's post: The Top 5 Yarns I Wish I Had

I'm not coveting. I'm not even obsessing. I'm just wishing I had an excuse to purchase and use them.

(Since I don't own these yarns, I'm not sure what all of their official names are. I'll do what I can.)

1. Yarn Bee: Chinchilla
(Have I mentioned that this may very well be my favorite brand?)

My biggest issue with this is what it would be used for besides a scarf. Way too much material needed to make a sweater, far to chunky to make socks or even slippers. A hat would come out looking awkward. But someday I will find the right pattern. Someday.

2. I Love This Wool!:Naturals (In striped)

Only one shot of this kind. I love love love the tight color variation. I just tend to avoid using yarns like this because it always looks better as a skein. And it's wool. The fact that it made my top five to try says a lot about my strong attraction to the color and pattern. It's not a member of my stash because, aside from the fact I haven't found a use for it, it's wool. Maybe I'll take a chance on it.

3. Red Heart Boutique: Chic

It's long and fluffy and has cotton ball like things attached. Useful, no. Bizarre, yes. Once again, what do you use it for? A scarf pattern is included, but is that its only purpose? Surely not. (Notice the clearance tags and be proud of the fact I didn't actually buy any.)

4. Red Heart Boutique: Rigoletto

It kind of looks like a partially made sweater already. And you could just pull it out of the skein, wrap it around your neck, and be good to go. But much like the chinchilla yarn, I really want to try making something different out of it. Hmm....

5. Red Heart Boutique: Ribbons

Ruffle scarves are pretty. Ruffle scarves easy to make. But with so many varieties of ribbon yarn available these days, it would be nice to find another use for ribbon yarn. It's so pretty, but I just can't bring myself to jump on the ruffle scarf wagon. (I say that...and yet I have made a few out of tulle ribbon. So maybe I'm just a hypocrite.) And this one sparkles.

So now everyone knows what to get me for Christmas...but by then I'm sure to have moved on other yarns.

Stay crafty!


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