In other news, the sock project is not going so well. Yes, this is still sock one. I'm beginning to dread sock two. I've finished the toe, the foot, and the gusset (kudos to you if you know what that is!--I didn't until a few days ago. It's kind of like knowing what those things on the end of a shoelace are called. Cool to be able to casually bring up in conversation, but totally useless in everyday life). Now it's time to work the heel. Everything looks great...or it would if my heel stuck out of the side of my foot. No clue what went wrong, because I have followed the pattern exactly, but wrong it has gone. So I'm faced with the task of pulling my stitches out and starting over...but not just yet. At the moment, I'm not in the mood. I'd rather glare at it from a distance and give it the silent treatment awhile longer. No throwing has taken place yet, but like I said, I'm still on sock one.
Sometime I wish people were like craft projects. Wouldn't it be great to be able to shove someone in the back corner of your closet, underneath the old notebooks and forget about them for awhile? (Oh wait, that's where I shoved my last sewing project...) When they're in the way, you could just pick them up and put them in neat little containers and put them on a shelf or in a drawer. Unfortunately, people are messier than craft projects...even if you are decoupaging or paper-maicheing. (I think I may have made those words up. And I'm also pretty sure they aren't spelled correctly. Sorry.) That may be why I love my yarn so much. If I walk off and leave the sock alone for awhile (an hour, a week, a year), it will be there waiting for me as if I never left it at all, our previous spat forgiven and forgotten.
For now, I think the sock will spend some time in crochet time-out while I work on my next project: Slippers. No heels involved, so this is already looking much more promising.
In the meantime, don't stand between me and the may get hit with a ball of yarn and a size J crochet hook.
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