Saturday, November 23, 2013

Doctor Who Party

For those of you who watch Doctor Who in any amount, you are well aware that today was the live airing of the 50th anniversary episode. 
For those of you don't watch, this is a by deal. M and I are fairly new Whovians, but we do have a TV with cable that allows us to watch things, like BBC America. Several friends were without a place to watch, so we decided to host a little party. 

Step 1: buy the provisions. Lots of Tardis blue paper goods left, so we may have been the only ones celebrating in the area. Sad!

The spread (well, most of it)
I put a card with the name of each treat and a quote to go along with it. There were several from the 11th doctor, but I may just be biased.

The Adipose were a particular favorite of mine, even though their limbs didn't stay on very well.
There were screwdrivers for most and probes for those who can't eat gluten.
It seems appropriate that the daleks are right beside the time vortex.
How do you spell the plural of fez?

I'm ready to go on an adventure!

It was really cool at night; the box lit up!

Eat up!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

It's done!!!

So excited! I just finished my craft room, and I can't wait to get in there tomorrow and enjoy the clean!

I kind of went a little crazy with the pictures...sorry! Don't feel like you have to look at all of them. You could just come visit, and then you can experience it first hand!

The view from the door. So much better!

 Shoe Bag organization. I've since moved the knitting needles to avoid accidental pokage. It's on the outside of the door, since the door itself is usually open.

 The whole wall. With a cameo appearance from yours truley. Also, the quote board from my college years is hiding behind the door. I just couldn't bring myself to throw it out.

The closet. I can tell what everything is! And it's organized!

I broke out the label maker and enjoyed myself way too much. But it's easy to remember which box the staples are in!

My chair/reading corner.Most of the hippos have been moved to the closet, but a few of my favorites are still out.

My desk/sewing/scrapbook corner. Everything is easy to get to (and labelled!)

I really love my shelves. My husband is pretty great, and did a wonderful job hanging them for me.

 Doll collection and yarn stash. The stuff on the floor is waiting to be given away to people who can use it.

I was shocked when I got all the yarn out and sorted. After bringing how huge bags all summer, I was sure I had more. I guess I really have used up most of what I buy, which means I get to buy more, right?

Command center: calendar with show dates, coupons, mailing envelopes, white boards, and cork trivets. I really like feeling organized!

So I'll confess that it got to a point where I had to just shove stuff into a box. But it was only one shoe box. 

And I labelled it.

I think it's time to sit down and put my feet up. I'm tired!

Stay Crafty!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Known Mess

All the unknown boxes have been unpacked, and now all that remains is figuring out where everything should live long term. Sadly, it STILL looks like a mess. Thankfully, it's an organized mess and the end is in sight. My goal is to be done tomorrow. We'll see if it actually happens.

It doesn't look like this any more, so that's good.

That made me feel better.

Stay Crafty!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Craft Room sneak peek: it's gotta get better!

After 4 hours in my craft room, it still looks like a tornado touched down. I've resorted to pulling the large objects out into the hallway, and am now debating the possibility of leaving them there. Just kidding, kind of. 

At any rate, "It has to get worse to get better", so here are a few pics of the process. You may not be able to tell, but most of the stuff has been grouped by topic (yarn, sewing, scrapbook, school, storage). My shelves are up and while right now they are just acting as convenient cubby holes, I have great plans! 

Before I put stuff on them 

Why I put stuff on the shelves 

The stuffed hippos are not staying there permanently, just until their new home is cleaned out.

End of day 1. Doesn't look much different, but I feel better. 

Stay Crafty!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

IKEA Reaction

So I'm going to post some of my most embarrassing photos today. To make myself feel better, I'll give a bit of background.

As many of you know, I stopped teaching full time this year, and because of that, had to bring home any of my school supplies that I didn't want to part with. I've bought several books, paper packs, markers, bottles of glue, notebooks, etc., etc., etc., over the past five years, and while I left what I thought might be helpful, I didn't want to overwhelm the new teacher with someone else's old stuff (Having been in that position myself several times). The "keep" pile(s) came home with me and into my craft room for storage.

In addition to that, this summer I had the brilliant idea to swap my bedroom with the craft/guest room. My new bedroom is larger, complete with a bookshelf and reading nook. My new craft room is not. There's a great closet, but since it is the largest closet in the house (one of the reasons it was originally the bedroom), some clothing needs to be stored there. The other closet won't fit it all and the Christmas decorations.

Now factor in that we've been blessed with lots and lots of company the past few months, so that every time I think I may have time to start the gigantic task of bringing order to the room, it's time to re-inflate the air bed and transform my workspace into a guest room. This is NOT a complaint about company in ANY way. We love having visitors. It's just a bit of explanation to make me feel better about showing the pictures that are about to follow.

Looking at the calendar, now is the time to try to get my room in tip-top shape. Thanks to a few great weeks of Toasty Toes sales, I have some extra cash to spend on shelving and such like, and no more shows for a few weeks, which means I may have a chance to do something besides frantically craft slippers and boot cuffs (Not that this is a bad thing AT ALL. It's just been a bit crazy around here. There's yarn all over my house. But I digress.) So I'm hoping that by sharing these "Before" pictures with you, I will be motivated to hurry up and provide some "Afters" as well.

Here goes. Please don't judge!

Here's hoping I can organize this room beyond recognition. I'll keep you posted!

Stay Crafty!

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Just a few photos from this lovely October day!

Snuggling with my kitty! He likes to act like a pillow.

Still enjoying my first pair of Toasty Toes. They are looking well loved, but still holding up to all the wear.

New boots! Yay for boot weather!

The best thing to do on a chilly morning. 

Yarn is such a good addition to fall weather. It's a glorious time of year!

Stay Crafty!